Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fahrenheit 451 Topic List

Some topic ideas for my Fahrenheit 451 essay:

Firstly, the concept of the phoenix. It's the symbol on Captain Beatty's hat, which makes sense because of its association with fire and burning. But when Granger talks about the phoenix at the end of the book, he tells us how the phoenix burns and is reborn from the flames. This is troubling because wouldn't that mean that when firemen burn things, they will always spring up and be born anew? That they can never truly destroy books? This could possibly be a way that Bradbury is trying to get his point across.

Next, on Montag's relationship with the Hound - at the beginning of the book when Montag says he's worried about the Hound changing and "coming alive," he's right only in that the Hound is changing because Beatty is programming it to react to Montag. So if the Hound is a symbol for Montag, and both undergo a "change", but the Hound's change is only due to programming, then is Montag really changing, or only being programmed (by Clarisse) to seem like he is?

Granger's book is The Fingers in the Glove; the Proper Relationship between the Individual and Society, but this seems ironic considering that he left the normal society and went with the Book People to form his own. So is his rule of thumb for the relationship between the individual and society that if you don't like how society is run, leave it? Just thought this was interesting.

Beatty is portrayed as antagonistic, but is he really the villain of 451? Who is the villain of 451? General question, but interesting.

Beatty again - why does he go through all the trouble of confusing Montag, messing with him, competing with him, only to let Montag kill him? The fact that he doesn't try to avoid death and that he apparently wanted to died contradicts with everything else we know about him. So: why?

Why was Montag stealing so many books before he even met Clarisse, but he didn't do anything about it like reuniting with Faber until he met Clarisse? So in other words, why did it take Clarisse's meeting to propel him forward? What about meeting her made him take action?

When Montag has left the city, he feels like he has left a stage and many actors. This idea of things and people in his life being part of one big play is consistent throughout, and is interesting because at first glance he is the only one putting on an act. Eventually we realize that many other people, like Mildred for example, are doing this too. So, why does Montag see the people as the show and the entertainment instead of the TV programs?

Montag continually has a disconnect between his mind and body that has to do with his "two halves." But is there really that mind-body disconnect, or is it just his way of not taking responsibility for his actions?

All the people in this book are supposed to be "happy" because of their entertainment-based lifestyles. But as we find out, Mildred has tried to commit suicide at least a couple times, and throughout the book we hear about numerous deaths - many of them suicides. So what does that truly say about the "happiness" that these people are being provided?

There is a general theme of color that could be connecting to race, or could be something beyond that. Would definitely be interesting to explore.

Also, lots of talk about mirrors. What is their significance?

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