Monday, December 22, 2014

Fahrenheit 451 Formula

Status Quo: The firemen burn books with the intention of destroying books and furthermore all of literature.

Trouble: Their logo is the phoenix, which seems to imply that the books would rise up from the ashes instead of stay dead.

Question: What are the true intentions of the firemen?

Claim: The firemen realize that there is something beyond just the written/printed word, thought. However much they want to eliminate it to have total sameness and "happiness" in the society, they know they can't. Because of those like the Book People, the firemen are at a loss of control over so big an issue. So instead, they choose a more accessible scapegoat, to appear to the people as though they are in power: books. They put on the big circuslike show of book burnings to manipulate people into thinking that when books are burned, them and everything in them stays dead forever. Since the people are so entirely brainwashed, they never stop to question what is missing.

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