Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Moment Using Hong Kingston's Style

So my response: I found writing in the style of an author very challenging. I felt like Maxine Hong Kingston's story was so different than mine at first that it would be impossible to apply her style to my moment. However, I did find some similarities in the content - we were both trained to do something - which helped me adapt the style. I focused on, for imitating her form, things more like her usage of commas and semicolons, more technical stuff. I tried plugging some figurative language in. In general, I think I got farther and farther away from her style the more and more I wrote. I'm not sure why this happened... I guess all of us have our own unique writing styles and we're not really used to putting that on hold and trying to adapt someone else's. I found this a really interesting experience, and something I'll definitely have to work on more in order to get better at it.

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