Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Malcolm X Exploratory Draft Reflections


Claim: Malcolm accepted The Nation of Islam while in prison because he was going through a hard time and The Nation of Islam seemed to be his chance for freedom.

Question: How did Malcolm X being in prison influence him to join The Nation of Islam?

Trouble: Malcolm went into prison with a set mindset and left with a completely different one. (It's a little hard to pick up on in this draft.)

Situation and Status Quo: People don't undergo their most drastic life changes while in prison.

If people don't experience life-changing epiphanies while in the solitude of prison, but Malcolm during his time in prison is so completely altered that his views change and he joins The Nation of Islam, then what about being in prison influenced him to change?

Something that needs to be included for someone to believe this claim is more background on Malcolm - what his views were like before his time in prison - to demonstrate just how big this change was.


Claim: Malcolm changes because of changes in his environment, emotional crises, and the influential figures that pop up throughout his life and change his way of thinking.

Question: Why does Malcolm change so radically and so thoroughly so many times in his life?

Trouble: Malcolm is a leader, yet he never maintains the same mindset for long and his views are constantly changing.

Situation and Status Quo: When leaders develop beliefs, they stick with them.

If leaders are supposed to develop beliefs they want to fight for and stand by them, but Malcolm is a leader whose beliefs are frequently undergoing drastic changes, then what caused Malcolm to change so many times?

Something that needs to be included for someone to believe this claim could be some more specifics about when Malcolm experienced these changes (ex: his age) to show the reader how quickly and drastically these changes happened in his life.


Claim: Malcolm stood by Elijah Muhammad longer than he did with Reginald because he looked up to Elijah Muhammad and expected him to be incapable of flaws, whereas Reginald was the younger brother who was still learning right and wrong.

Question: Why does Malcolm fight the adulterous charges against Elijah Muhammad longer than he does for his brother Reginald?

Trouble: Malcolm loved his little brother dearly, but when Reginald is accused of adultery Malcolm turns on him quicker than he does when Elijah Muhammad is in the same situation.

Situation and Status Quo: Siblings should stand by each other.

If siblings should feel a deep-seated loyalty for each other and should defend each other more than anyone else, but Malcolm gives up on defending his brother and stands by Elijah Muhammad longer, then why does Malcolm trust and believe in Elijah Muhammad more than Reginald?

Something that needs to be included for someone to believe this claim is detailed background on Malcolm's relationship with Reginald in comparison to his relationship with Elijah Muhammad.

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